Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pokemon Card Review Meganium 13/123 Mysterious Treasures

Meganium 13/123 Mysterious Treasures

Meganium has a resistance and only two colorless engerys to retreat it. Meganium has 130HP. And two great attacks. One is called, Ultra Powder it does 20 damage then you flip 3 coins. If the first coin is heads the Pokemon is now Poisoned. Second burned. Third paralazed. Maganium's other attack is called, Fire Counterattack it does 60 damage but if it is against a fire type it does 30 more damage. This cards artwork is cool. And its an overall good card. Meganium gets a 8/10. Nice.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pokemon Card Review Crobat ex 96/107 Deoxys

Crobat ex 96/107 Deoxys

This card is great. Crobat ex has 130HP a resistance and no retreat cost. The artwork is cool, and has great moves. Crobat ex has a Poke-POWER called Distortion it lets you put 1 damage counter on 1 of your opponent's Pokemon if Crobat ex is your active Pokemon. It's two attacks are Cross Attack which does 20x damage, you flip 4 coins the number of heads the attack does 20 more. So this attack can do 100 damage and if you flip 2 or more heads Crobat ex is confused. So now you can't do you Poke-POWER but Crobat ex's other attack is called Pester it does 60 damage but if Crobat ex has a Special Condition like confusion it does 40 more damage. So it will end up doing 100 damage. This card gets a 9.5/10 but there will always be a 50-50 chance that Crobat ex will hit itself in battle do to it's confusion.

Piranha 3-D Review

Piranha 3-D

A lot of gore. So much gore that after awile the deaths where becoming really funny. After the first 10 minutes of the movie the Piranhas start killing everyone. In that scene there was a guy in a speedboat that was trying to get away from the Piranhas and he started hitting people in the water with his boat, everyone cheered when the Piranhas finally killed him.
This movie killed off characters that you wanted to live. There was this girl that you wanted to live and she survive most of the movie, but by the ending they just kill her. Then there was a guy who you wanted to die. I mean he was so annoying if I was Jake (a character in the movie) I would pushed this guy overboard. He dies in the best way though the Piranhas bite his dick off. Then everyone in the theater cheered and clapped.
The ending was so perfect, I don't want to spoil it. You have to see the perfect ending for yourself. Let's talk about the 3-D. I'm not a green freak but it was such a waste. There nothing in 3-D, nothing. You don't even notice it.
All that aside Piranha 3-D was great. Go see it. The best horror movie I've seen this summer, maybe this year. I give it a 8.5/10. Very good.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pokemon Card Review Cresselia 2/106 Great Encounters

Cresselia 2/106 Great Encounters

This card is good. Its not really worth playing but I just don't like it. The artwork is alright. Its attacks are Moon Twinkle which does 10 damage unless there is a stadium in play then it still does 10 damage but it also removes 2 damage counters on Cresselia. Its other attack is Lunar Dance which does 50 damage and if you discard 2 energy cards attached to Cresselia you can remove all the damage counters off of one of your benched Pokemon. This is all. It has a weak 80HP. No resistance and it cost you 1 energy to retreat it. This card gets a 4/10. Not to Bad but bad.

Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies Review

Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies

The Story: The Observatory is home to mighty Yggdrasil, the Great World Tree, and to the Celestrians, a race of beings charged with watching over the mortal realm beneath. According to legend, when the sacred fyggs finally blossom on Yggdrasil's boughs, a celestial carriage will arrive to transport the Celestrians to the Realm of the Almighty.
In order to bring about the blooming of the fyggs, the Celestrians have long gathered benevolessence, the crystallized gratitude of their mortal charges, and offered it up to the great world tree. And now. at long last, fyggbloom draws near...

Dragon Quest IX is the boldest installment of the series's 24-year run. The director Yuji Horii always brings a lot of creativity to the story. Many great new features but the most notable new feature is too play with two to four players in your team at any point in your long adventure by using wireless connection to wrap into each other's game world.
The co-op mode takes center stage as the game serves up hundreds of hourd of side quests to explore, randomized dungeons to explore, and new skill trees to master. The postgame content is simple, lots of side quests that involve killing a certain number of monsters or collecting a certain quantity of rare items and of course bosses. The bosses are very hard to defeat if you keep running away from random monsters and never raise your level.
This game is full of clever puns and flavorful accents. The game is also a feast for the eyes, featuring smooth 3-D environments, colorful town and dungeon designs, well-animated 3-D monsters, and an equipment system that features over 1,000 items with unique appearances.
The only real disappointment in the game is the lack of save slots. Like right before you battle a boss I want to save... but I can't. I just got to hope my team is prepared and strong enough to defeat the boss. Because if you die you start right back to the town and have to go through the dungeon all over again.
All that aside Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies is a very good game. Dragon Quest IX gets a 9/10. Bravo.

Pokemon Card Review Flygon 5/111 Platinum Rising Rivals

Flygon 5/111 Platinum Rising Rivals

A flawless card. Retreat cost is free... good Resistance... a Poke-BODY Rainbow Float that could make any other Pokemon's Retreat cost 0. And the attack Power Swing that does 60 damage plus 10 for every evolved Pokemon on your bench. And another attack Sand Wall that keeps your opponent from playing Stadium cards. Its attack Power Swing can quickly do as much as 110 damage. This card is great and it has a Lv. X. This card gets a 10/10. Flawless.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pokemon Card Review: Metagross 4/95 Unleashed

Metagross 4/95 Unleashed

This is probaly one of the best cards from the set, besides the Primes and Legends. This Metagross has two great attacks. Pulse Blast which does 60 damage and the attack Double Leg Hammer which does 40 damage to 2 of your opponent's benched Pokemon. And it doesn't apply Weakness or Resistance. On top of that Metagross has the Poke-BODY Psychic Float when there is a psychic energy attached to Metagross instead of Metagross' Retreat Cost being 4 energys its only zero. This card is pretty much flawless but Metagross doesn't have a resistance to any type. So this card gets a 9/10. Very good. I would have it in my deck. Defenitly a good pull from a pack.